Archery Themed Novelties
As an avid archer I always felt bad about breaking arrows. I always looked for ways to repurpose my old and broken arrows into new useful items. Eventually I came up with a method of modifying the pen tip of a disposable pen and using it’s ink cartridge to make a functional, refillable, arrow pen. I started making them for my own use, but as I broke more arrows, I began to sell my pens on Etsy. As my pens began to sell I started picking up broken arrows at the range and making more. I have now sold over 500 arrow pens. Additionally I started making keychain fobs. My hobby has now become a small business with an ecommerce website that funds my travel and enjoyment of archery. See my Products page for both items.

Client Testimonials

This item was perfect when it arrived and I cannot wait to give it as a Christmas gift to my dad.

Very nice quality!!! My son and his friends loved them!!!

Beautifully crafted pen, and my friend who is an archery aficionado simply loved it as a gift! I thought the pen would need a cap to keep it fresh, but found out that the cap does not function in that manner and also takes away from the arrow aesthetic. Also, the ink wells can be replaced with BIC disposable ink cartridges, so you can reuse this unique pen! Overall, wonderful niche gift and magnificent creativity!